Cara Mengganti Nama dan Password pada MODEM ZTE-F460

Maret 18, 2021

Mengganti Nama dan Password pada MODEM ZTE-F460

Pada pertemuan kali ini kita akan belajar cara mengganti nama dan password WiFi pada modem zte-f460. Pertama yang kita lakukan adalah pastikan perangkat Handphone, Laptop ataupun Komputer tersambung pada Router melalui Wirelles atau kabel. 

1. Buka Google Chrome atau Browser, masukkan alamat IP yaitu Username : admin dan Password : admin >> login.

2. Ketika ingin mengganti Nama WiFi klik Tab Network >> WLAN >> SSID settings >> ubah pada SSIDname : buat sesuka hati anda >> Submit.

3. Ketika nama WiFi sudah terganti, sambungkan kembali dan masuk pada google chrome atau browser alamat IP ( . Untuk mengganti Password WiFi klik Tab Network >> WLAN >> Security >>buat Authentication Type : WPA/WPA2-PSK >> WPA Passphrase : buat keamanan minimal 8 huruf atau angka >> Submit.

 Semoga tutorial kali ini bisa di pahami sekaligus di praktikkan. Jika ada pertanyaan bisa komentar pada kolom atau chat pribadi. 

Contact Person    : 085606683564
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Cara Mengganti Nama dan Password WiFi pada MODEM HUAWEI HG8245H

Maret 18, 2021

Mengganti Nama dan Password WiFi pada MODEM HUAWEI HG8245H

Pada pertemuan kali ini kita akan belajar cara mengganti nama dan password WiFi pada modem HUAWEI HG8245H. Pertama yang kita lakukan adalah pastikan perangkat Handphone, Laptop ataupun Komputer tersambung pada Router melalui Wirelles atau Kabel.

1. Buka Google Chrome atau Browser, masukkan alamat IP yaitu Account : admin dan Password : admin >> login. 

2. Ketika ingin mengganti Nama dan Password WiFi klik Tab WLAN >> SSID Name : ubah sesuai keingingan anda >> untuk mengganti Password pada WPA PreSharedKey : isikan minimal 8 karakter huruf atau angka, untuk melihat password hilangkan tanda ceklist pada HIDE. Selanjutnya klik Apply.

 Semoga tutorial kali ini bisa di pahami sekaligus di praktikkan. Jika ada pertanyaan bisa komentar pada kolom atau chat pribadi. 

Contact Person    : 085606683564
E-mail                   :

Cara Mengganti Nama dan Password pada MODEM ZTE-F460

Maret 18, 2021


Mengganti Nama dan Password pada MODEM ZTE-F460

Pada pertemuan kali ini kita akan belajar cara mengganti nama dan password WiFi pada modem zte-f460. Pertama yang kita lakukan adalah pastikan perangkat Handphone, Laptop ataupun Komputer tersambung pada Router. 

1. Buka Google Chrome atau Browser, masukkan alamat IP yaitu Username : admin dan Password : admin >> login.

2. Ketika ingin mengganti Nama WiFi klik Tab Network >> WLAN >> SSID setting >> ubah pada SSIDname : buat sesuka hati anda >> Submit.

3. Ketika nama WiFi sudah terganti, sambungkan kembali dan masuk pada google chrome atau browser alamat IP ( . Untuk mengganti Password WiFi klik Tab Network >> WLAN >> Security Settings >> ubah pada WPAPre-shared key : buat keamanan minimal 8 huruf atau angka >> Submit.

Semoga tutorial kali ini bisa di pahami sekaligus di praktikkan. Jika ada pertanyaan bisa komentar pada kolom atau chat pribadi. 

Contact Person    : 085606683564
E-mail                  :

Konfigurasi Bind9 pada Ubuntu 19.04

November 27, 2019
Konfigurasi Bind9 

     Domain Name System (DNS) adalah sistem yang menyimpan informasi tentang nama domain dan IP address, secara sederhanya seperti buku alamat internet. Pengguna internet mengakses website dengan cara mengakses nama domain melalui web browser. Sementara web browser berinteraksi dengan web server dengan menggunakan IP address. Nah, di sini DNS bertugas untuk menerjemahkan nama domain menjadi IP address atau sebaliknya sehingga web browser bisa menampilkan halaman website.

     Setelah terpasang repository kita akan mengisntal DNS Server,pertama kita harus menginstal nslookup dulu dengan perintah #apt-get install bind9.

Kemudian kita masuk directory "cd /etc/bind/".

Kita coppy db.local menjadi db.david.

Kita coppy juga db.127 menjadi db.192.

Kita masuk pada db.david. Kemudian kita edit script ,sesuaikan dengan gambar dibawah ini!.Simpan konfigurasi dengan ctrl+x lalu Y.

Kita masuk db.192 lalu kita ubah scriptnya. Simpan konfigurasi dengan ctrl+x lalu Y.

Kita juga harus mengubah script pada " nano named.conf".

Resolv.conf adalah nama file komputer yang digunakan di berbagai sistem operasi untuk mengonfigurasi resolver Domain Name System (DNS) sistem. Untuk mengkonfigurasinya kita ketikkan perintah "nano /etc/resolv.conf".

 Untuk sistem operasi linux ubuntu file hosts terdapat di /etc/hosts dan hanya bisa diedit oleh administrator saja. Berikut langkah mengedit file hosts di linux ubuntu.

Kita ubah Ip Oxboses menjadi Ip server kita,lalu kita tambahkan domain.

Terakhir kita Restart dan kita lihat Status nya apakah sudah berjalan atau belum.

Pembuktiannya kita Nslookup dengan domain, jika hasilnya seperti gambar dibawah, berarti konfigurasi kita berhasil.

Selain menggunakan domain, kita bisa lihat nslookup dengan Ip server kita.

Berikut Video panduan untuk Konfigurasinya!

Selamat Mencoba ya Sob!

Konfigurasi Apache2 pada Ubuntu 19.04

November 27, 2019
Konfigurasi Apache2 pada Ubuntu 19.04

     Server atau Web Server adlah sebuah software yang memberikan layanan berbasis data dan berfungsi menerima permintaan dari HTTP atau HTTPS pada klient yang dikenal dan biasanya kita kenal dengan nama Web Browser (Mozilla firefox,Google Chrome) dan untuk mengirimkan kembali yang hasilnya dalam bentuk beberapa halaman web dan pada umumnya akan berbentuk dokumen HTML.

Pertama kita install apache2, dengan perintah "apt install apache2".

Setelah itu kita pindah ke directory "/etc/apache2/sites-available". lalu Coppy 000-default.conf beri nama david.conf.

Lalu kita buka file yang sudah kita cppy menggunakan teks editor.

Hilangkan tanda (#) pada servername . Lalu ubah sesuai kotak merah pada gambar.

kemudian kita non-aktifkan yang default ,dan kita buat tampilan yang kita inginkan dengan mengaktifkan yang sudah kita buat file tadi.

Karena tadi documen root nya berada di /var/www/david, maka kita buat folder dengan nama david terlebih dahulu.

Selanjutnya kita masuk pada directory /var/www/david/. lalu kita buat tampilan yang kita inginkan ketika domain kita dipanggil nanti, dengan perintah " nano index.html".

Di sini saya membuat tampilan yang sederhana. anda bisa membuat tampilan yang anda inginkan.

kita restart konfigurasi apache kita dan kemudian kita lihat status nya, apakah sudah berjalan atau belum.

Terakhir kita tambahkan Ip server ke Dns.

Sebelum  masuk ke Chrome pastikan intenet di Disable terlebih dahulu. lalu kita ketikkan domain yang sudah kita buat ke dalam browser. 

Kita juga bisa menggunaka Ip Server Ubuntu kita untuk mengaksesnya, nah kalau menggunakan Ip tidak perlu mendisable internet.

Berikut Video panduan untuk Konfigurasinya!

Semoga Bermanfaat ya Sob!
Modul Administrasi Server Jaringan Debian 9

Modul Administrasi Server Jaringan Debian 9

November 26, 2019
Contoh Curriculum Vitae Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Curriculum Vitae Bahasa Inggris

November 26, 2019
Contoh Curriculum Vitae Bahasa Indonesia

Contoh Curriculum Vitae Bahasa Indonesia

November 26, 2019

Cara Mengupload File PDF ke Blogger dengan mudah

November 26, 2019
 Mengupload File PDF ke Blogger

      Sering kali kita sebagai pembuat konten merasa malas ketika akan mengupload file ke Blogger dimana di dalam dokumen kita terdapat beberapa gambar. Tentunya kita tidak bisa langsung Coppy Paste begitu saja, melainkan kita harus mengupload gambar satu per satu. Nah disini saya akan membuat tutorial agar dokumen bergambar kita bisa langsung diupload begitu saja,tanpa harus mengupload gambar satu per satu.

Pertama kita harus masuk Google drive, lalu kita Upload file atau dokumen.

Setelah Dokumen berhasil diUpload, klik 2x untuk melihatnya.

Kemudian pada sisi pojok kanan klik 3 titik itu lalu pilih Open in new window.

Selanjutnya kita klik titik 3 itu dan pilih Embed item....

Disini akan ditampilkan sebuah link,lalu kita coppy.

Kemudian kita masuk pada Blogger dan Klik New Post. Beri judul postingan anda dan beri kalimat pembuka pada isi blogger, nah setelah itu klik HTML yang terletak pada sisi kiri.

Maka akan tampil seperti ini, lalu ada salin atau paste link dari Google Drive yang sudah di coppy tadi.

Langkah terakhir klik Compose pada kiri Blogger, maka dokumen kita sudah dapat dipublikasikan.

Ikuti Langkah demi langkah sesuai gambar . Selamat mencoba guys semoga berhasil!!
Modul MikroTik Certified Network Asociate

Modul MikroTik Certified Network Asociate

November 26, 2019

Contoh Laporan On The Job Training

November 26, 2019



2019/ 2020


Praise and thanks to Allah SWT that we could finish this report,“0N THE JOB TRAINING AT UJ NET SOLUTION”, due to the duty of finishing the last grade for English Class requirement. We express our gratitude to the persons as follows:
1.    Mrs. Puput Amiranti N, S. S, as English   teacher, who has directed and accompanied us to complete this report.
2.    Mr. Very Setiawan, S. Pd, as the head program teacher for Network Engineering Department, who has directed, carefully taught and inspired us more about studying networking.
3.    Parents who always keep praying, giving, supporting and counting on great sacrifice for us, mainly for succeeding our school until finish.
4.    Friends who has being the good  persons for sharing and supporting each other in this studying process.
          Later, we are aware if this report is still far from perfectness. Therefore some critics and suggestion are necessary to give as a good input to improve this report better.

Subject Page
Inside Cover............................................................................................... 1
Acknowledgement..................................................................................... 2
Table of Content........................................................................................ 3

Chapter 1: Introduction........................................................................... 4
1.1 Background......................................................................................... 5
1.2 Company Profile.................................................................................. 5
1.3 The Purpose......................................................................................... 6
1.4  Advantage........................................................................................... 6

Chapter 2: Practical Training.................................................................. 7
2.1 Organization and Employees................................................................ 8
2.2 Training Outline and Environment....................................................... 9
2.3 Identifying Current Projects and Following up the Work...................... 9

Chapter 3: Conclusion and Recommendation........................................ 10
3.1 Conclusion........................................................................................... 11
3.2 Recommendation................................................................................. 11

Chapter 1

1.1 Background
In this chapter we want to report that we have completed sixt-months of training at UJ Net Solution. UJ Net is a private company that works in the field of informatics that provides wifi installation, cctv installation, and making tower triangle. His works include major projects, one of  which is constructed in company profil part.

1.2 Company Profil
            UJ Net services has been established since 2009. The company aims to provide internet services with the best quality. The UJ Net office building is located at JL. Madura Ds. Papungan-Kanigoro. The scope of work is wifi installation, cctv installation, Triangle tower construction, LAN cable repair and re-pointing.
          In the installation of wifi, we are assigned to prepare equipment and install sepener  which serves to strengthen the pipe, so that the climbing is tar from risks. We also install a transmitter in the pipe, as well as configuration, where the direction is on many signals and cables arranged.
          Redevelopment of triangle towers is usually used for someone who wants to establish an RT or RW Net. Our task is to raise the power one by one using the mine and then do a similar installation. Repairing the  LAN cable is usually done, when the client report that the internet can’t be used. One of our improvements is to check the network by pinging Google, then reboot the router and if  it is not biased, we check the cable (cream height). Most problems are that the cable is disconnected due to mouse bites and our action is to replace the LAN cable.
          Re-pointing is often done when we see a bad signal, the factor heavy tree. Our reparation at technician came to the location and check the dam, then one  person climbed to do the pointing and one person to see the signal. The way we communicate is using HT.
          By implementing the scopes of work, UJ Net Solution provides the best service to the customers who deal with their needs on the installation wifi, cctv installation, and triangle tower construction, even the problem  of making grinders rice, grass grinders, and growers corn.

1.3 Purpose of On The Job
1.     The job training report at UJ Net is written to fulfill the English report assignment as a requirement to complete the final project in thi semester.
2.     Job training report are written to practice the ability to make scientific report.
3.     This practical work report is written to enrich the experience of skills especially related to the competency skills program for Nglegok vocational high school students in the network engineering major program.

1.4 Advantages
1.     This job training report at UJ Net is written to get the benefit of knowledge information about the situation in the UJ Net job training area.
2.     This report is written to obtain the ability or skills acquired in industrial work practices so that bias can be developed at school.
3.     This report wa written to obtain information on whether the apprenticeship place is feasible to collaborate with school, especially at SMKN 1 Nglegok.

Chapter 2
Practical Training

2.1 Organizations and Employees
       The simplified organizational structure of  UJ Net Solution.


Precise information about the number the number and job descriptions of the company of employees are also provided.
1. Director Mr. Heru
He work as a leader or owner and also manages all installation fixes with the field of work and makes regulations about it. He is also a supervisor to control work in the field.
2. Employees or Technician Staff
·        Mr.Sunardi Construction of  Triangle Tower.
It works as a tower triangle lifter and he also install swire for the spanner.
·        Mr.Fanani Wifi Installation.
It works as a wifi installation, location survey and preparing tools used.

2.2 Training outline and environment
I have spent most of  the training at UJ NET Solution which is included in providing internet services (wifi installation, cctv installation, tower triangle construction, LAN cable repair and re-pointing). More specifically, most of my training is in installing wifi and repairing  LAN cables. The supervisor is Mr. Heru, but my training instructor in the field is Mr.Fanani. I also work with Mr. Fanani and his technicians, namely Mr. Mamik who also works in this section. I was not given a printed training schedule in conducting this training.

2.3 Identifying the current project and following up on the work
The first step in the training program is to familiarize your self with the work environment and how it flows. About 3 day sat the beginning of the training period were spent just monitoring how employees around me work and what they do.
Entering month one week one, we has been assigned to install wifi and trobel shooting especially on LAN cables.
For the second month, we are not adding more and more tasks, including monitoring clients and billing money to clients for wifi payments.
Entering our third month, we will fur the repair the network troble, including replacing tools or access points, adding pipes, replacing wire and re-pointing.
For the Fourth month , we do the repair of the router on the client by upgrading the version and doing tasks from dudi, among others, setting Access Point TP-link changed to ubiquity or litebeam m5, setting 750 router for hostpot and adding complementest to powerbeam m5 and this month we also earned welding to make tower triangles, although he practice only uses scrap metal.
For the fifth month, the tasks that were given were slightly reduced due to a decrease in the installation of wifi on the client, but there were always task severy day such as trobbel shooting and cleaning the office.
For the sixth month, the task is very much, because the office wants to replace the UTP cable installed on the client with FO (Fiber Optic)   cable and the installation of  Wifi is increasingly in demand due to FO cable replacement.

Chapter 3
Closing and Recommendation

3.1 Conclusion
So in the implementation of industrial work practices, we must be more disciplined and increase responsibility, ethics, and accuracy. Because we are in the pre-work period in a company. And we must not be pround of the knowledge obtained at school, because science at school is not necessarily true when we are in the workforce.

3.2 Recommendation
1. The company should provide introduction to the apprenticeship participants, because there are some participants who do not relly understand the working tools and equipment in the company, and even in schools it does not necessarily provide the tools available in the company.
2. Internship participants should prepare themselves mentally and phpysically. Because in our company will be more perssured by the work environment.